Key Policies
National Security
Invest in long term peaceful resolutions to stand up for democracy and human rights.
Climate Change
Create millions of jobs by investing in renewable energy and update our subsidy programs.
Support long-term and humane solutions to minimize the need for people to seek refuge in the first place.
Social Issues
Support protections for marginalized communities and address systemic injustices.
Support our education system by investing in public schools and increasing teacher wages.
Codify Roe into law and ensure fundamental rights to autonomy and reproductive freedoms.
“It’s past time for us to focus on investing in long term peaceful resolutions in an effort to strengthen our national security. We need to invest in America’s core values and be consistent in those values. For too long we have shown that we have enough money for war and not enough for domestic policies. The United States has the resources to strengthen national security, while investing in problems here at home. Recent events have proven that we have the resources to do both. We simply lack the political will.”
- Prioritize diplomacy
- Support our allies and strengthen relations with NATO
- Stand up to enemies of democracy
- Strengthen our democracy
“Arizonans pay higher than average health care premiums and medical debt. Our system is over complicated and inaccessible. My goal for healthcare is simple. Simplify the system, expand Medicare to include vision, dental and hearing. We need to protect abortion rights, reproductive freedoms (including IVF access) and keep healthcare decisions between a patient and their doctor. It is imperative that we support negotiating prescription drug costs. We need to invest in programs that expand employee benefits so folks can bring home more of their paycheck and tackle medical debt once and for all”.
- Abortion is healthcare. Click here to learn more
- Protect and expand Social Security and Medicare
- Hold Big Pharma accountable
- Negotiate prescription drug costs
- Simplify the system and expand employee benefits
- Reform our VA system to provide better care and support for our veterans
“Let’s be clear: Trickle-down economics is a myth. Tax breaks for the rich have increased wealth inequality in this country, resulting in a declining middle class. 60% of wealth in this country is inherited and half of Americans have less than $500 in their savings account. Many of us are just one paycheck away from poverty. I believe blue collar workers have been forgotten and left behind by a system that benefits large corporations over small and mid-size family-owned businesses. Arizonans are paying higher than average cost of living, gas prices, and medical debt. It’s time we hold corporations accountable, strengthen unions, and incentivize large businesses to invest in their employees and pass their savings down to the consumer. We should invest in our infrastructure to create more jobs and invest in American families.“
- Empower workers by protecting workers’ right to organize and collective bargain
- Incentivize corporations to pay higher wages and expand employee benefits
- Eliminate “Right to Work” laws and guarantee the right to unionize
- Invest in American families and workers
- Support a Windfall profits ‘tax’ to transfer excess profits directly to the consumer
- Support the Child Tax Credit
- Promote inclusion and support the rights of people with disabilities
“The climate crisis, economy, and healthcare system go hand in hand. We can no longer depend on philanthropy to tackle this issue. American families deserve clean air and water as a basic human right and to protect their health. Assessments show that there will be a major shortage of groundwater in the next century. While drought wreaks havoc on our water supply, we must proactively build resilience measures to secure a dependable water supply. Meanwhile, energy costs continue to skyrocket as Arizonans pay higher than average electric bills. I believe we should update our subsidy programs to reflect this crisis so that everyday families can save on energy costs, continue to invest in our infrastructure to create sustainable jobs, and hold Big Oil accountable for price gouging while wreaking havoc on the planet. “
- Support a Windfall Profits ‘tax’ to hold Big Oil accountable
- Transform our energy system to renewable energy
- Rejoin the Paris Agreement and commit to reducing emissions around the world
- Update our subsidy programs
“Private equity investors are buying single family homes and apartment buildings at record rates, skyrocketing the housing market. This means lower quality homes are being sold for higher costs and driving rent up for consumers. This keeps wealth at the top and prevents everyday families from developing generational wealth and financial stability. Meanwhile, wages are not able to keep up with the high cost of living. We need to close the tax loophole that allows private equity managers to keep their taxes low. It’s passed time for Congress to rein in on this industry.”
- Close tax loopholes that benefit private equity managers
- Invest in affordable housing
- Implement a national rent control standard
“The FED claims they need to increase interest rates to slow the economy. Yet, they are not taking into account one crucial piece of the puzzle: corporate price gouging. Corporations are seeing record profits, while wages are stagnant and production costs decline. High prices are a direct result of corporate greed, not higher wages. Raising interest rates will only hurt the economy by targeting the working class and poor families. Families no longer receive any Government funding from the American Rescue Plan, yet prices continue to increase. It is clear that corporations are hiking prices to maximize profits. We need to hold corporations accountable for price gouging and put the burden of fighting inflation on corporations. Above all else, we must ensure that everyone is paying their fair share in taxes.”
- Support the Inflation Reduction Act
- Windfall Profits Tax to redistribute excess profits to consumers
- Higher taxes on large corporations
- Enforce Antitrust laws
“We need to stop overspending on bandaids at the border and invest in long term solutions. Over the years, administrations have attempted to implement more authoritarian and expensive border control policies. Yet, we continue to see an increase in migrants and asylum seekers. We need to stop wasteful spending and support bold border policy by implementing policies that address the root of the problem. Economic instability, violence, war, and climate change (resulting in food insecurity), are all contributing factors to families seeking refuge. We need to address the climate crisis on a global scale and rebuild relationships with Mexico and Central America. We need to reduce poverty and uphold democratic values while ensuring aid does not benefit local oligarchs. Improving conditions will allow families to stay in their homes while minimizing the need to seek refuge in the first place.”
- Repair relations with Mexico and Central America
- Increase technology and staffing to secure the border
- Provide tools and resources to border patrol to stop smugglers
- End corporate profiteering and ensure aid does not support local oligarchs
“Guns are the leading cause of death for children in America. In the state of Arizona, we have high rates of suicide by gun violence and intimate partner homicide. Gun violence in this state costs us over $15 billion dollars a year. We must implement common sense gun safety policies. We can strengthen background checks, red flag laws, educate the public on safety and proper storage, as well as invest in mental health programs.”
- Expand Background checks
- Strengthen red flag laws
- Educate the public on safety
- Invest in mental health programs
“Simply put…social issues are economic issues. Wage inequality is amplified by systemic policies that keep poor people poor and help the rich get richer. These economic burdens divide us and increase hate crimes and hate speech around the country. Policies that promote equality, move society forward and promote equal rights for all. This issue is simple. We live in a free country, with separation of church and state. No one’s personal beliefs should impact anyone else’s rights. Personal beliefs are not an excuse for human rights violations, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. When we invest in education, instead of book banning, we build equity and lift up marginalized communities. We must protect voting rights to ensure we are strengthening our democracy. Government officials must stop trying to distract us with culture wars and start putting in the work to address the needs of working people. Only then will we begin to properly address social issues in this country.”
- Protect Abortion access. Learn more here
- Support Violence Against Women Act
- Reform the Criminal Justice System
- End discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community & BIPOC
- Support the Equality Act
- Create an accessible environment and promote disability awareness
“We need to strengthen our education system and support our teachers to ensure they have the resources needed to provide a quality education and support system. As a mom I feel strongly about the quality of our education system. Arizona ranks 45th overall in quality of education. The teacher pay gap is the 49th largest in the nation, the worst pay gap since 1960. Thanks to tax cuts for the wealthy, we went from a state surplus to a $400million deficit. The voucher program has proven to cost more for hard working families while providing relief to families who could already afford private school tuition. We must invest in our public and public charter schools in an effort to bring a quality education into our communities and support future generations.”
- Provide funding for public schools
- Increase teacher wages
- Make schools safe and inclusive
- Provide tools needed to support students with both visible and invisible disabilities
- Tackle interest rates on student loans
- Invest in trade school programs to help students build their business
“This election is about our fundamental values. January 6th showed us just how fragile our democracy can be if we take it for granted. We are at a point where we need to ask ourselves what our fundamental values are? Do we believe in democracy or do we believe in autocracy? It’s time we strengthen voting rights and ensure that all votes are valued by implementing a ranked choice voting system. We need to elect candidates who believe in strengthening our democracy, not overturning the will of the American people. Our democracy is strongest when we can all participate. This is why we need to support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to protect our right to vote and end Citizens United to get big money out of politics. ”
- Support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act
- End Citizens United
- Make Election Day a Holiday
- Implement a Ranked Choice Voting System
- Support Term Limits
“Abortion is healthcare and an economic issue. Denial of abortion services directly impacts the labor market and economic outcomes. Additionally, everyone deserves to receive the healthcare they need and politicians should never come between a patient and their doctor. Everyone should have access to reproductive health care and evidence based sex education. We need to codify Roe into law to protect and secure Women’s Rights. Learn more about how you can help pass the Arizona Abortion Access Act. For more details click here”
- Codify Roe v Wade into law
- Protect IVF Access
- Expand insurance coverage
- Educate the public on reproductive health care
- Protect patient privacy
- Ensure access to contraception
My Statement on the AZ Supreme Court 1864 Ruling:

Social Issues